Sunday, May 22, 2011

AbouT LeO

AbouT Me & LeO

Leo's love compliments and praise.
Give them plenty of it...

Underneath the surface of this proud, take charge personal is a sensitive and vulnerable person that needs constant reassurance.
It is an essential tool for them.
Keep in mind, that flattery will get you everywhere.
As a result, the more you feed Leo's ego, the longer your relationship will last.

On a date with a LeO, be sure not to skimp on anything, as the love the pleasures of life and feel that they are deserving of nice things.
LeO's tend to be spendthrifts as nothing is to good for them.
Feel free to discuss topic about intellectual interest.
Leo'S love to share their opinion, although be aware that they are prone to be boisterous about what they believe is right, and in most cases will not alter in opinion.

Leo'S love to take charge and play the leading role.
Sexually the LeO will go to all measures to please a partner.
They want a relationship to be exiting and intense.
However, as much as they need devotion, they deplore possessiveness and jealousy.

A true LeO will remain faithful in a relationship.
However, they must have space and freedom to allow their outgoing nature to explore new adventures.

If you're looking for generous , creative person that usually has a sunny disposition about life, you've found them.
Don't forget to take into account that the LeO has the symbol of the lion for a reason.
This king of the jungle, can be quite domineering at times.

Nonetheless, provided with the necessities that a LeO Needs, you will find an affectionate, cheerful companion that will do almost anything for you.

Ps: My DearesT FrienD SincE TheN TilL NoW Is LeO AnD My LonggesT EveR RelationshiP WaS WitH LeO ToO...
AlL My LifE Is AlL AbouT Leo'S...

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